So as many who know and love me have repeatedly pointed out I
am can be a bit obsessive about things. I have been completely obsessed - there I admitted it - about this blog over the last 2 months or so as I have learned more and more how to make it my own. I have been writing with the hope that SOMEONE was reading it but knowing that it was very likely that I was a voice alone in the wilderness. Still, I like to talk and to write so it hasn't been an issue to write posts, rather its been an issue deciding just what to write about, and then there are the linkys which I LOVE so I HAVE to do those!
Well a few days ago I discovered that someone - a stranger at that(!) - had posted a comment on my blog. I was SUPER excited because it meant that someone was actually reading my blog!!!!!! But then being obsessive the way that I believe I mentioned before I spent some time trying to figure out why I wasn't notified that someone had made a comment on my blog. Then Ann Lean commented (Thanks Ann!) and that made me even more curious as to why I didn't get an email notification about the comment. At that point I went back through previous posts and found that several people had in fact commented on my blog weeks ago! YEA!!!! I have readers! But at the same time, I am not going to keep them if I don't respond back. I needed to fix the no notification thing and do it ASAP!
So here is the interesting thing about Blogger -- it doesn't default to allowing you to get email notifications and they don't make it obvious (well at least it wasn't to me) about what I needed to do to correct this. So, in case you are in the same boat all you have to do is follow these easy steps and viola! You too will now not miss a comment someone leaves on your blog! The more you know!
Step 1: You need this menu |
Step 2: Settings & then mobile & email |
Step 3: See where it says "Comments notification email?" Well type your email there and you are done! |
Yeah, so way easier than I would have thought but somehow I completely overlooked it. I would say it is from getting older but that can't be...according to 2/3 of my class I am 20 - so yeah, not age at all.
In any case, I will not miss any future comments and I thank you if you were a commenter for your understanding regarding my failure to respond immediately. If you are a reader then I THANK YOU too! I am so excited to see this blog really come to life. Thanks again!
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