I started to write this blog post in January while sitting in an RtI meeting, put it off, and started again many times since. It seems that as teachers we are often called out of our classrooms for PD, meetings, and a myriad of other things. However, as a teacher at a Title 1 site I feel like we are called out even more than teachers at non-Title sites. (I am not just saying that though...my experience at a non-Title site bears it out.)
I am often called out of class for RtI meetings, lesson planning with consultants (have to say though that I LOVE our WestEd fella - Johnpaul is the BEST), and of course a number of other things will come up and we are called out of class. Just since coming back from winter break my grade level has been out for a full day, and this is our second half day out. Add in holidays, and it seems like there are fewer and fewer instructional minutes that are left for me to actually TEACH. You know, the thing I love to do and actually get paid for.
The kids are so tired of me being out that each time they know I am not going to be in and it isn't because I am ill they all groan and while they ask why, I know they are really thinking...
Today we are working on writing a scope and sequence for our ELA units and of course there is a paid consultant here to "help" with this. Let's not mention that the ELA units actually HAVE scope and sequences built in them by the district committees that put them together. (Being one of the ELA unit authors I'm not upset by this exercise today at all!)

I am often called out of class for RtI meetings, lesson planning with consultants (have to say though that I LOVE our WestEd fella - Johnpaul is the BEST), and of course a number of other things will come up and we are called out of class. Just since coming back from winter break my grade level has been out for a full day, and this is our second half day out. Add in holidays, and it seems like there are fewer and fewer instructional minutes that are left for me to actually TEACH. You know, the thing I love to do and actually get paid for.
The kids are so tired of me being out that each time they know I am not going to be in and it isn't because I am ill they all groan and while they ask why, I know they are really thinking...
Today we are working on writing a scope and sequence for our ELA units and of course there is a paid consultant here to "help" with this. Let's not mention that the ELA units actually HAVE scope and sequences built in them by the district committees that put them together. (Being one of the ELA unit authors I'm not upset by this exercise today at all!)
And since we are the afternoon group we have 2 1/2 hours to go through all of the ELA standards, 6 units of instruction, and have 7 people agree on what is being done all which the consultant may actually argue shouldn't be in the timeline of the units themselves. Oh, and I get to work on the actual units tweaking them with other committee members for three days in June right after the year ends. Apparently the scope and sequence thing couldn't just wait for the district committee to do this. Here is to hoping that today is actually productive in some way so that it is worth having written sub plans for.

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