Blogging Anniversary and Giveaway

I can't believe it has been a year since I started blogging. Fifteen months ago I was happy in my classroom but I wanted more and then the iPads came. They brought with them a new energy and excitement. When school got out last summer I knew that this was a whole new world and I was going to have to document the changes that I was making. Writing has always kept me sane so blogging seemed like the natural way of documenting the changes being made in my thinking and pedagogy.

A year ago I had never been to a tech conference, I hadn't presented at any type of PD, and I didn't think that others would care about what was happening in my classroom. What a difference a year makes!

In the past year I have presented at the district level and at two tech conferences (and I submitted two more proposals to present at the Chico GAFE Summit - fingers crossed I get accepted), attended three conferences with plans to attend three more in the coming year, and my blog has begin to gain followers (YAY!).

In celebration of my blogging anniversary I want to do my first ever giveaway! I thought long and hard about what to give away. I considered pens and Astrobrite paper (but that seemed silly coming from a paperless teacher), I thought about stickers, borders, bulletin board cutouts but then considered that we all have varried tastes and I would hate to send the winner something that they wouldn't like. So I decided to go the gift card route.

I will be giving away a $25 Staples gift card so that the winner can purchase
whatever he/she would like and that he/she finds helpful. Besides, who doesn't like gift cards? It is like Christmas but you get to choose your gift!

Thanks for following me and good luck!

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