You may be thinking that as a teacher of a 1:1 classroom, "What is she doing reviewing a pencil sharpener?!" Which I get. I would totally be asking that too if I were reading this. However, this year we are using pencils in my classroom for a number of reasons. Reason #1: Several students are not charging their iPads each night which means they can't use them in class. Reason #2: We are piloting a math program and we need pencils for some of the work. Reason #3: Art! Colored pencils are a must for our Friday art projects. So when Classroom Friendly Supplies asked if I would be interested in reviewing their pencil sharpener in the newest color, purple (yes, purple!) I had to say yes. I mean not just because purple is my favorite color, but well, because purple is my favorite color I couldn't resist this opportunity.
I love how easy it is to sharpen pencils with this sharpener. First of all it is quiet! I mean seriously, I didn't think it was possible for a pencil sharpener to be this quiet.
Second, it is so easy to use. I have a nerve condition in my wrist that aches when aggravated. The nice thing about this pencil sharpener is that I can use it with one hand. There is no need to hold the pencil once you have it locked in with the clasp that holds and guides the pencil as you sharpen it. Even my student with a broken arm was able to use it single-handed with no effort. Yes, I know, the same could be true of an eclectic sharpener but this is so much better. I swear!
Every electric sharpener I have had has broken pencils, jammed easily (and repeatedly), and overheats then you are stuck waiting for it to cool down before completing your task. This sharpener
has none of those issues plus, (and this is my favorite part) it provides the sharpest pencils I have ever seen in my life. I mean seriously. They are the sharpest pencils; the best part is they don't break the moment you start to write either. Even the colored pencils are sharp and they don't jam the sharpener after use. (I did have to clean the blade by wiping it at the endow a particularly busy day of colored pencil use but I've had to do that with other sharpeners as well.)
The only downside to this pencil sharpener is that the clam that holds it to the counter doesn't really work. The screw wither stopped quickly or it just doesn't hold. After several days of re-clamping the sharpener I gave up and tools th clamp away. Now we hold the pencil sharpener with one hand and turn to sharpen with the other. The design of this pencil sharpener allows me to have a hand free to do this as I don't need to hold the pencil while I'm sharpening it.
When looking for your next sharpener it is well worth your time and money to order a sharpener from Classroom Friendly Supplies.

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