In April myself and four fellow teachers from my site were fortunate enough to attend the NCTM Annual Conference in San Francisco.
Even luckier, we were allowed to stay in the city to avoid the 2 hour (in traffic) commute in both directions each day of the conference. Having just been to the Annual CUE conference in Palm Springs. I wanted to make sure that I learned as much as I could but I also wanted to take advantage of all of the opportunities to explore new (or new to me) programs and tools that were out there for classroom use.
Some seminars I learned a lot from, some reaffirmed what I am already doing in my classroom, and others were just inspiring. If you get the opportunity to go to this conference at some point I highly recommend that you take it and run!
At the exhibit hall we got to meet with some of the Front Row staff. I love this program so much I became an ambassador for them (more on this in another post). We got to meet up with the staff from Prodigy, another math game with high student interest (I use this for "homework"), as well as getting to meet up with Brenden from Motion Math once more.

As a matter of fact I was able to get
the people at Motion Math to agree to let us pay $5 a student (rather than $25) if I can get 6 classes in total to pay for it as well. So far, I have 3. I need to get 3 more, so if you use Motion Math and want to renew, or know someone who would like to use the program, get in touch with me.
I am not usually into gimmicky teacher apparel. As a matter of fact, I usually steer clear of it altogether however, I found a shirt I love at a booth from

Even luckier, we were allowed to stay in the city to avoid the 2 hour (in traffic) commute in both directions each day of the conference. Having just been to the Annual CUE conference in Palm Springs. I wanted to make sure that I learned as much as I could but I also wanted to take advantage of all of the opportunities to explore new (or new to me) programs and tools that were out there for classroom use.
Some seminars I learned a lot from, some reaffirmed what I am already doing in my classroom, and others were just inspiring. If you get the opportunity to go to this conference at some point I highly recommend that you take it and run!
At the exhibit hall we got to meet with some of the Front Row staff. I love this program so much I became an ambassador for them (more on this in another post). We got to meet up with the staff from Prodigy, another math game with high student interest (I use this for "homework"), as well as getting to meet up with Brenden from Motion Math once more.

As a matter of fact I was able to get
the people at Motion Math to agree to let us pay $5 a student (rather than $25) if I can get 6 classes in total to pay for it as well. So far, I have 3. I need to get 3 more, so if you use Motion Math and want to renew, or know someone who would like to use the program, get in touch with me.
I am not usually into gimmicky teacher apparel. As a matter of fact, I usually steer clear of it altogether however, I found a shirt I love at a booth from
Isn't it just awesome? Could me that it speaks to me as a Cola addict and as a teacher. :)
I was very impressed with all that I learned and by some of the great things coming into our classrooms, if we are so lucky. I even walked away on the last day, in the last few minutes with a Chromebook that I won! They actually had pulled two other names and emailed them with a 30 minute window to come claim their prize before I was picked from a drawing of those present to win just before the exhibit hall closed.
Yep! It was a great conference!
What is the best conference you have attended recently? I would love for you to share about it in the comments.

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