possibilities and new adventures.
Each year (yes, even after 15 years) the night before school starts has me rilled up. I will be nervous and unable to sleep well. I will be anxious and worried - just as I was each year as a student growing up. Somethings never change I guess. The nerves will subside once we are all in our classroom and we get down to the business of getting to know each other. When the fun begins!
These are my kids for the next 180 days (and every year after I say goodbye). I want to make the most of this year. I want the kids to go home excited they are in our class. I want that feeling to remain throughout the year. Yes, even on the days when it is hard for them - and for me.
Of course, I will be teaching core academics, mindfulness, and everything else that is required but most importantly I hope that they learn that they can be anything they want to be, they are capable of doing more than they think is possible, they are an important part of the lives of each and every person we share our classroom with.
So here is to another wonderful year! I hope your new school year is wonderful!
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